The story follows the peacock, he appears in every slide typically running as he carries the lotus. The monkeys are usually in gangs and generally chaotic
in nature, tempted and fooled to think they can lynch and kill to obatin more lotus than the peacock. They are mislead and foolish, greedy and hasty. The
peacock takes complete advantage of their monkey- business. The deer sitting idle around the lotus live in the land that separates the forest from the
palace. They are peaceful, tranquil and yet un-observing of upcoming evil. The sage previously meditating is a character out of place yet the plot in the
story. He is the carer, observer and creator. Undermining his divinity and stealing, murdering go against his virtues. Not because the deer are dead, it’s
because the monkeys dis-rupted his peace and stole his lotus. He as well, fooled by the peacock does his ‘righteous’ deed. Then we finally see what the
peacock wanted along. A spot as the forest ruler, the new king of the indian jungle, for him the lotus was just the bait. Atlast being watched by nobody
but the bulbul bird who quietly saw the whole drama unfold. It did nothing but watch .